the Longshots bandwagon rolled into the tropical north once more, after hearing tales of a 'duck bucket' at a local chinese eatery. A full investigation revealed some top shelf duckery, despite Hobbesy' attempt to drown le canard in vin rouge. However, blame cannot be laid entirely at the feet (or paws) of this drum playing tiger, as LR goaded him with the lazy susan, whisking chinese delicacies past him at a great rate.

Earlier, the 'Shots managed to educate two local ring-ins as to exactly how we roll, resulting in a stellar performance come saturday night. The newest member of the 'Shots managerie, Freebie, got straight into the action sniffing out the contents of various vessels and bowls. Saturday night saw a cracker of a line-up at the NQ Roots Connection, where Bandawalla Moons, lonesome trio, Longshots and Pachooka cranked out a night of high energy roots music to the music lovin punters of the north.

Despite the Horlicks twins disappearance into the sunrise, Longshots managed to roll onto Jamaica Joe's for a very Sunday set. All in all, another fine chapter in the book of Longshottery. A large shout out to NQ Roots Connection for putting on such a fine event, in particular 'I'm all business Smithy' who dealt with the limp dicked manager on the night with style and aplomb, especially when things went all Blues Brothers in the wee small hours; "well i owe you boys $200 and you drank $500 worth of beer...". Was sensational to have the vocal stylings of Miss Bree Dixon and the gaelic reed blowin of Monsieur Clem Fay on stage with us, both of which added a new dimension to the Lonshots sound.

Despite the Horlicks twins disappearance into the sunrise, Longshots managed to roll onto Jamaica Joe's for a very Sunday set. All in all, another fine chapter in the book of Longshottery. A large shout out to NQ Roots Connection for putting on such a fine event, in particular 'I'm all business Smithy' who dealt with the limp dicked manager on the night with style and aplomb, especially when things went all Blues Brothers in the wee small hours; "well i owe you boys $200 and you drank $500 worth of beer...". Was sensational to have the vocal stylings of Miss Bree Dixon and the gaelic reed blowin of Monsieur Clem Fay on stage with us, both of which added a new dimension to the Lonshots sound.

Thanks to all who turned up on the night and to all involved behind the scenes. Also big thanks to Bec Weeks for the great images from the night.