Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Once

First, I've been collecting meatscapes, of which this is a fine example:

Then, a demo of a new tune, "Baby Once":

Baby Once.mp3



Saturday, June 6, 2009

20 Gets You Five

This blog seems to have ever-increasing appetites which I am endevouring to satisfy. Somewhat like Audrey II, the carnivorous alien plant in Little Shop of Horrors. Which makes me Seymour I guess. This latest piece of plant food or human flesh or whatever popped up as an accident - strangely enough I was actually keen to do something really different with an electronic sort of bent to it, but in the end I just had to "blow". Inspired somewhat by my recent completion of On The Road, which by the way I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't read it since their twenties (it's a different book now), or to anyone in their twenties, or to anyone that hasn't read it period. But I digress. The demo includes a decidedly unfashionable guitar pig out inspired by the novel. Whether it makes the studio version of the song remains to be seen. So, "20 Gets You Five" (turn up for best results):

Those that can't use the above player can go here:
20 Gets You Five.mp3



Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It's interesting how of late I've been pre-occupied with the inherent meaninglessness of human existence and yet I find myself having an absolute ball spontaneously shooting a demo film clip for a demo song (read: playing with Ella's dolls in the bath). Maybe there's a connection. Maybe not.



Monday, June 1, 2009

The Tenorman Had It

This one goes out to the Trio boys:

"The behatted tenorman was blowing at the peak of a wonderfully satisfactory free idea, a rising and falling riff that went from 'EE-yah!' to a crazier 'EE-de-le-yah!' and blasted along to the rolling crash of butt-scarred drums hammered by a brutal Negro with a bullneck who didn't give a damn about anything but punishing his busted tubs, crash, rattle-ti-boom, crash. Uproars of music and the tenorman had it and everyone knew he had it."

Jack Kerouac