G'day...'obbesy 'ere....summersaultin' like only an animated tiger can at the prospect of Leonard Cohen/Paul Kelly double header tomorrow night...PeaceFrog and I head south early in the A.M.>>>commercial airlines!! (still waiting on the Russians (and DEEF!!!) to come through with their promise of aforblogged longshots chopper)...It'll be good to see the grand old man on what must be his last lap round the block! Ani DiFranco/Waifs the following eve, then down to the valley for some some r&r&r&r...rocknrollnrestnrecreation...and some strong Martinis (or perhaps whatever Lenny's mixing in the photo below?)...the rumour mill suggests Marvel may make an appearence, although we suspect he's just being his enigmatic, cud-chewing self, by keeping us all guessing...needless to say...fucken pumped.

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ReplyDeleteDigesting about 15kg of buffalo in the second stomach... see you on sat where the grass is greener
ReplyDeleteG'day- Ed here. one of the programming guys for palm creek- thanks for yr application! We will be in touch one way or the other, Ed