Somehow the last week and a half has smudged by without me even noticing. The launch, dream that it was, is behind us. A future of more frequent Longshots gigs lies ahead. Lookout Sydney and the Tropical North, because you're next. I had hoped to be posting some video footage of the Launch gig, but that will have to wait. In the meantime, in the quiet shadow of the recent fearsome storm of liquid musical activity, with a bottle of JD for company, I plucked out this little number on my sardine tin kalimba. The footage is mostly from August 07, deep in the trenches recording "I'm Already Scarred and It's Only Friday".
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
10, 9, 8 , 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Liftoff!!!
well after all the kms clocked up, the days of rehearsal, the sore fingers, sore heads, sore bodies and missing head of marvel, "Old wine in new bottles" is now offiacially launched.... can anyone remember.....


hmmm and that was just the lead up.... once we got there though, there was some sweet fuckin rock and roll...

and dancing...

and harmonies...

tiny dancer on stage....

and dancing helmets!!!!!

lets not forget Esmeralda shakin' her booty...

and of course fuckin' blue, sweet fucking pink,fucking orange and several lines of fucking green

in summation, Sweet Baby Jesus check out these fucking LONGSHOTS!!!

thanks to Viv for photos


hmmm and that was just the lead up.... once we got there though, there was some sweet fuckin rock and roll...

and dancing...

and harmonies...

tiny dancer on stage....

and dancing helmets!!!!!

lets not forget Esmeralda shakin' her booty...

and of course fuckin' blue, sweet fucking pink,fucking orange and several lines of fucking green

in summation, Sweet Baby Jesus check out these fucking LONGSHOTS!!!

thanks to Viv for photos
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Do We All Get Caught in the Getaway?
The answer is "nyet". Only Hobbsie by the look of it.
Oh yeah, and FIVE DAYS TO GO. Woot. The first arrivals hit the valley tomorrow, and then it's not long before the dream becomes reality.
Oh yeah, and FIVE DAYS TO GO. Woot. The first arrivals hit the valley tomorrow, and then it's not long before the dream becomes reality.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Cultural Melding Pot
Longshots love a bit of culture. Especially a culture that embraces ideals close to our hearts, like fine food and wine. Take for example the French. Sure they may get underhanded when it comes to lying on the bottom of a ruck, or perhaps a little overwrought in the heat of the moment and simply headbutt you in front of millions... Or forget to finish a heavily fortified defensive line, thinking with a gaelic shrug of the shoulders, "les boches, zey will never break zhru zat.." thus leaving themselves open to a simple flanking manoeuvre through Belgium. But sweet baby jesus, they know how to make wine. And they don't fuck around either. We're not talking your 700ml bottle here. Oh no. If they gonna bottle some wine, then they're gonna do the job properly and we're talking 1.5 (count 'em) 1.5 litres of devine, bottled goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your berets to a 2001 Chateau le Vieille Forge....

As a post script this kind of wine is made even more impressive when presented to you by your girlfriends parents at your first introduction... vive la france!!

au revoir

As a post script this kind of wine is made even more impressive when presented to you by your girlfriends parents at your first introduction... vive la france!!

au revoir
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Helmets, Inc.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I have discovered this week just how reliant I have become on the studio as a writing tool. There was a time when I would write happily with just the guitar or the piano, but these days it seems I'm creatively addicted to the process of layering tracks as I write. It's like having to work with one black crayon after becoming accustomed to having the whole palette at your disposal. I have discovered this due to the failure of the studio computer - I'm still deciding how disturbed to be by this revelation. Still if this is all I've got to whinge about, I'm doing just fine. Anyhoo, had to dig one up from the vault this week, it's another demo from the next album - "Bought A Ticket".
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